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Mushroom risotto

Mushroom risotto

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 180 mins

This risotto has a wonderful savoury, earthy flavour

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Nutritional Info(100g) 
  • Mushrooms 
  • Onion 
  • Chestnut mushrooms 
  • Garlic 
  • Risotto rice 
  • Vegetable stock 
  • Quark 
  • Rocket leaves 

Mushroom risotto


15g dried mushrooms

Low-calorie cooking spray

1  onion, finely chopped

375g chestnut mushrooms, quartered

2  garlic cloves, crushed

250g dried risotto rice

1.2 litres boiling vegetable stock

4 tbsp plain quark

Small bag fresh rocket leaves, to serve


1.           Soak the dried mushrooms in 150ml boiling water for 20 minutes.

2.           Spray a large non-stick frying pan with low-calorie cooking spray and place over a medium heat. Add the onion and chestnut mushrooms and cook for 5-6 minutes, adding 1 tbsp water occasionally if the pan starts to look a little dry.

3.           Add the garlic, rice, dried mushrooms and all but the last tsp of the soaking liquid (which will be gritty) and cook for 1 minute, stirring to coat the rice well. Pour in the stock and season with freshly ground black pepper, then increase the heat to high and bring to the boil.

Tip the mixture into the slow-cooker pot, cover and cook on low for 3 hours or until the liquid has been absorbed and the rice is temptingly creamy. (You might need to cook it for another 15 minutes or so.) Remove from the heat, stir in the quark and top with rocket to serve

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Mushroom risotto Mushroom risotto