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Smoked salmon hash brown with poached egg and hollandaise

Smoked salmon hash brown with poached egg and hollandaise

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 30 mins

Use up leftover cooked and smoked salmon and potatoes in this quick and tasty breakfast or lunch dish

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Nutritional Info(100g) 
  • White wine vinegar 
  • Peppercorns 
  • Bay leaf 
  • Tarragon 
  • Egg yolks 
  • Clarified butter 
  • Lemon 
  • Mustard 
  • Cayenne pepper 
  • Potato 
  • Salmon 
  • Smoked salmon 
  • Crème fraiche 
  • Dill 
  • Butter 
  • Salt 
  • White wine vinegar 
  • Eggs 

Smoked salmon hash brown with poached egg and hollandaise


For the hollandaise sauce

For the smoked salmon hash brown

For the poached eggs


  1. For the hollandaise sauce, in a pan, heat the vinegar, peppercorns, bay leaf, tarragon and 50ml/2fl oz water and cook until the liquid has reduced in volume to a tablespoon. Strain through a sieve.

  2. Put the liquid and the egg yolks in a food processor and blend. With the motor running, gradually add the clarified butter until you have a smooth sauce. Finish with the lemon juice, mustard and cayenne pepper. Set aside and keep warm (cover the mixture to prevent a skin from forming on the surface).

  3. For the smoked salmon hash brown, place the potato, salmon, smoked salmon, crème fraîche and dill in a large bowl and mix. Heat a large frying pan until hot and add the butter.

  4. To make each hash brown, place a metal ring in the centre of the pan and pack it with the mixture. Cook for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden-brown and crisp.

  5. For the poached eggs, bring a pan of salted water to the boil and add the vinegar. Reduce the heat to a simmer and whisk the water to create a whirlpool. Once settled, crack an egg in. Simmer for 2-3 minutes, remove the poached egg carefully with a slotted spoon and place on a plate to drain. Repeat the process with the remaining eggs.

  6. To serve, place the salmon hash in the centre of serving plates and top with the egg and hollandaise sauce. Just before serving break the egg yolks.

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Smoked salmon hash brown with poached egg and hollandaise Smoked salmon hash brown with poached egg and hollandaise