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Chickpea patties

Chickpea patties

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 20 mins

Superb baked Indian street food

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Nutritional Info(100g) 
  • Chickpeas 
  • Onion 
  • Potato 
  • Chilli powder 
  • Turmeric 
  • Egg 
  • Coriander seeds 
  • Cumin 
  • Mint leaves 
  • Coriander leaves 

Chickpea patties


400g can chickpeas, drained

1  onion, peeled and very finely chopped

200g freshly mashed potato

2  tsp mild chilli powder

¼ tsp turmeric

1 small egg, lightly beaten

1  tsp roasted coriander seeds, crushed

2  tsp roasted cumin seeds, crushed


           2 tbsp finely chopped fresh mint leaves                                          

2 tbsp finely chopped coriander leaves

Low-calorie cooking spray

Rocket leaves and lime wedges, to serve


1.           Place the chickpeas and onion in a food processor and blend for 1-2 minutes, or until roughly mashed. Transfer to a mixing bowl and add the potato, chilli powder, turmeric, egg, coriander and cumin seeds and the chopped herbs. Season lightly with salt, cover and chill in the fridge for 5-6 hours or overnight.

2.           Preheat your oven to 200°C/fan 180°C/gas 6. Divide the chickpea mixture into 12 portions and shape each one into a flat cake or patty.

3.           Place the patties on a baking tray lined with baking parchment. Spray with low-calorie cooking spray and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until lightly golden and cooked through.

Serve immediately with rocket, and lime wedges for squeezing over.

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Chickpea patties Chickpea patties