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Buckwheat pancakes

Buckwheat pancakes

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 10 mins

These gluten-free buckwheat pancakes are a vision of health. Enjoy them with yoghurt, berries or a drizzle of maple syrup for a breakfast treat that makes you feel good.

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Nutritional Info(100g) 
  • Buckwheat flour 
  • Plain flour 
  • Baking powder 
  • Salt 
  • Egg 
  • Milk 
  • Vegetable oil 
  • Maple syrup 
  • Yoghurt 
  • Berries 

Buckwheat pancakes


To serve (optional)



  1. Sift the flours, baking powder and salt into a mixing bowl.

  2. In a separate bowl, beat the egg with the milk and oil until thoroughly combined.

  3. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix until there are no visible traces of flour.

  4. Heat a non-stick frying pan over a medium–high heat. When it is hot, add a drizzle of oil and carefully wipe it across the pan with a piece of kitchen paper. Use a dessert spoon to spoon the batter into the hot pan. The batter should bubble quickly. After about a minute the edges of the pancake should be set with little holes appearing across the surface. Flip the pancakes over with a spatula and cook for 30 seconds.

  5. Set the pancakes aside on a warm plate or baking tray while you cook the remaining batter in the same way, oiling the base of the pan before each batch.

  6. Serve the pancakes in a stack, drizzled with maple syrup or topped with a spoonful of yoghurt and berries.

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Buckwheat pancakes Buckwheat pancakes